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X-Plane 11.35+ Hawker Harrier T52 2.1

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X-Plane 11.35+ Hawker Harrier T52 2.1. This is a beta, there are still a few things that need doing but it is useable. It is a significant redevelopment of an original from a V9 build passed on to me by Daniel Grimes. It represents G-VTOL which was Hawker/BAe's sales and technical demonstrator now on permanent display at Brooklands. I am putting this out as a free beta to see what interest is out there, so keep an eye out for future updates. There is a pilots notes file in the folder. Yep, some of the cockpit needs more work and I will eventually improve the paintwork as the more technical things get sorted. I would appreciate any input from anyone who knows how to get the HUD working in 3D. Version 2.1: more work on the cockpit with the instruments now being much closer to the real aircraft. By Ray Hill.

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Hello, how do you go from vertical flight to horizontal flight?


Hola,, como se pasa de vuelo vertical a vuelo horizontal ??

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You need to set two keys or (switches on your yoke) for vector forward and vector back . This in custom settings icon (top right, looks like a bunch of sliders).
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