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FSX Mooney Bravo Turbine Panels And Gauges

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FSX Mooney Bravo Turbine Panels And Gauges. So you'd like to burn kerosene now? In the spirit of Terry Richard's FS2004 addition to your \Airplanes, I have gotten the (FS_2004_MOONEY-TURBINE.ZIP) file to install just fine in my FSX system. The addition of two new Mooney Bravo airplanes under the \Mooney Bravo Turbine\ folder, however was short my desire to have a working panel and gauges that "fit the task." Herein is my take on the application of an Allison Turbine in lieu of a default Cessna 208 operating airplane. I used the "proper" ignition and starter switches you would expect on a turbine-equipped airplane. A "procedures manual" too, was then a concern, so I made one from the Mooney Bravo PDF I found on the Internet and found the need for "torque monitoring" in this airplane not to be the case, but rather, fuel-flow, gas generator and propeller RPM monitoring allowed me to control this airplane. The new manual reflects those observations. Local panel modifications and new gauges helped me to better use this airplane and it is so interesting, I thought you might like to give Terry's airplane a try? Manual and config files by Ron Prindle.

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F.Y.I. If you have or have seen issues with the Collins RNAV Receiver, as in it doesn't work or does not appear, or it always has a zero Radial and a zero Distance in it's display, you might want to think about adding "Logger" to your FSX, in that it's how I got the RNAV to use the last "saved" waypoint data between flights. I make reference to; (Logger_RNAV_UPD.ZIP) file found on this web site for the details. Since this was my first version of the ANS-351, it does not yet have memories in it, but will in version 2 and onward, I put the "Logger" logic into it, based again on my experience with the King KN-74 RNAV, so I suggest reading up on it and this will work for you! Enjoy! Ron Prindle
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