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FS2004 Douglas Dolphin

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About This File

FS2004 Douglas Dolphin. The Douglas Dolphin was an amphibian of the 1930s. Designed at the end of the 1920s as a luxury air yacht, its market was ruined by the Great Depression and it became mostly a military aircraft. A few Coast Guard Dolphins served into World War Two, but only two survived the war. One flew until 1998 and is now the sole survivor, much modified, on display at the Naval Aviation Museum. This package includes early and later models of the Dolphin and over a dozen authentic skins of U.S. Army, Navy, Coast Guard and civilian Dolphins. By David Wooster with help from some friends. By David Wooster & Friends.

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How is it possible to convert your Dolphin for CFS2? I've been trying with Ivan's MdlC, and the mdl fil converts fine, bur the aircraft refuses to initialyse and causes CTD, even when you change any source of trouble (Sound, Panel and Air files)


Fran%u00E7ois (fde_bressy at Sim-Outhouse)

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By now I suppose you've reached David at the address in the ReadMe. He might have some ideas. That sort of thing is beyond my understanding.

- Mick

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here is a corrected aircraft.cfg entry for FSX by Andre Ludick:


delete the respective contact points entry and copy this into the aircraft.cfg instead:



//0 Class <0=none, 1=wheel, 2=scrape, 3=skid, 4=float, 5=water rudder>

//1 Longitudinal Position (feet)

//2 Lateral Position (feet)

//3 Vertical Position (feet)

//4 Impact Damage Threshold (Feet Per Minute)

//5 Brake Map (0=None, 1=Left, 2=Right)

//6 Wheel Radius (feet)

//7 Steer Angle (degrees)

//8 Static Compression (feet) (0 if rigid)

//9 Max/Static Compression Ratio

//10 Damping Ratio (0=Undamped, 1=Critically Damped)

//11 Extension Time (seconds)

//12 Retraction Time (seconds)

//13 Sound Type

//14 Airspeed limit for retraction (KIAS)

//15 Airspeed that gear gets damage at (KIAS)



point.0= 1, -16.80, 0.00, -2.00, 3200, 0, 0.70, 70.0, 0.30, 2.5, 0.90, 4.5, 4.5, 0.0, 0.0, 190.0

point.1= 1, 1.40, -3.91, -5.70, 2200, 1, 1.40, 0.0, 0.50, 2.5, 0.85, 5.5, 5.5, 2.0, 0.0, 0.0

point.2= 1, 1.40, 3.91, -5.75, 2200, 2, 1.40, 0.0, 0.50, 2.5, 0.85, 5.5, 5.5, 3.0, 0.0, 190.0


//Wing Floats

point.3=4, -2.45, -20.3, -1.65, 3700, 0, 0.0, 0, 0.50, 2.5, 0.70, 12.0, 12.0, 5, 0, 0 //Port Wing-float

point.4=4, -2.45, 20.3, -1.65, 3700, 0, 0.0, 0, 0.50, 2.5, 0.70, 14.0, 14.0, 5, 0, 0 //Starboard Wing-float


//Fuselage Float

point.5=4, 3.589, -2.692, -3.55, 7500, 0, 0.0, 0, 0.50, 2.5, 0.70, 0.0, 0.0, 0, 0, 0 //Main Fuselage float - Port-side - Front

point.6=4, 3.589, 2.691, -3.55, 7500, 0, 0.0, 0, 0.50, 2.5, 0.70, 0.0, 0.0, 0, 0, 0 //Main Fuselage float - Starboard-side - Front

point.7=4, -15.249, -1.794, -1.00, 4500, 0, 0.0, 0, 0.50, 2.5, 0.70, 0.0, 0.0, 5, 0, 0 //Main Fuselage float - Port-side - Rear

point.8=4, -15.249, 1.794, -1.00, 4500, 0, 0.0, 0, 0.50, 2.5, 0.70, 0.0, 0.0, 5, 0, 0 //Main Fuselage float - Starboard-side - Rear



point.9= 5, -15.500, 0.00, -2.50, 2200, 0, 0.000, 20.000, 0.850, 2.500, 0.650, 0.0, 0.0, 0, 0, 0 //Water-rudder


static_pitch =12.00 //Degrees/Pitch when standing on the ground.

static_cg_height = 4.9 //CG point above ground level.



tailwheel_lock = 0


Michael Pook

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