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FS2004/FSX/Accel/P3D v3 Short MAYO Composite

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FS2004/FSX/Accel/P3D v3 Short MAYO Composite, consisting of a flying boat and a seaplane. That strange concept was proposed to enlarge the range of a long distance postal airplane to cross the Atlantic with a non-stop flight. The flying boat Short S.21 was derived from the Short S.23 Empire with the task to go airborne and to reach altitude carrying the floatplane on its back. The Short S.20 Mercury was a light 4-engine floatplane with long distance abilities. After separation it reached after 4600 km Montreal in 20.5 hours with 272 kg payload in July 1938. In October 1938 the Mercury (without payload) mastered a world record by starting from Scotland and reaching South Africa after 9726 km in 42 hours. The original S.23 FS2004 model and also the FSX interior, the 2D panel, FDE and textures are made by Jens B. Kristensen. Panel improvements are done by Michael Pook. The conversion of the MDL to a FSDS 3D-file with reanimating all moving parts, the Mercury with its animations and the camera definitions are made by Erwin Welker.


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