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FSX G1000 Update

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About This File

FSX G1000 Update. This is the original Microsoft FSX G1000.cab file, renamed and updated to provide specific functions to select, delete, and add waypoints. All of the original bmp and xml files from G1000.cab are included in G1000dd.cab. To provide the new functions to add a new waypoint, there are new xml files for the PFD, and for the C-172, Beechcraft Baron, and Mooney Bravo MFD's. There are also five new functional icons, each with an xml file and associated background bmp file. All the new functions are provided with tooltips to identify the action performed by a mouseclick. These functions, taken together, allow creating, editing, and managing a flight plan from scratch without using the FSX flight planner if so desired. All the original functions of the FSX G1000 PFD and MFD are retained. By David Dibbell.

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