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FSX Level-D 767 X-House GE PW RR Engine Tuneup Kit

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FSX Level-D 767 X-House GE PW RR Engine Tuneup Kit. I noticed the following issues on the default GE, PW, and RR Level-D 767 X-House livery winglet models. 1. The GE and PW X-House models were missing the stopped and running fan blade textures. 2. The GE X-House model uses a matching X-House engine nacelle texture. However, when selecting the PW or RR X-House models, the standard Level-D House livery (non-winglet) engine nacelle texture is used. This Level-D 767 X-House GE, PW, and RR Engine Tuneup Kit fixes the above issues with four edited textures (complete folders included). Note: This package is for FSX, FSX SE, and Prepar3D only and won't work as is for FS2004. To use with FS2004, the four textures would simply need to be flipped (images and alphas) with DXTBMP and resaved as 32 bit .BMP's. There are no changes to any default Level-D texture folders and you can revert back to the Level-D X-House livery quickly. Naturally, the Level-D 767 is required. By Jack Pickett.

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