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FSX Update For The Lockheed Martin F-16 2-Seater

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FSX Update For The Lockheed Martin F-16 2-Seater. This is an FSX update for the Lockheed Martin F16 two-seater by Kirk Olsson. The package features both an enhanced and reconfigured VC and 2D panel. Included are new afterburner, smoke and burner effects. In addition, the aircraft now has additional camera views, amomg them VC rear-seat view with enhanced rear panel. This model was part of my earlier F-16 update, but as this model is a 2-seater, both the contact points and the camera views are different and had to be adjusted accordingly. The model is equipped with full loadout. All credits go to Kirk Olsson for the original model. All new updates by Michael Pook.

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Nice download, but, I wouldn't go so far as lear45xr saying graphics looking like they were drawn with a crayon! I agree, graphics could be better. These aircraft deserve crisp clear graphics, as they are a popular aircraft in both real world and flight simming! Yes, I can live with what we get from the download, but graphics could definitely be improved!


Flight comments, there are a couple worth mentioning. My aircraft would not slow down when flying with the autopilot engaged. Also, upon releasing the brakes for takeoff, aircraft wanted to pull to the left. Fortunately, I had another Kirk Olsson F16 download that I could do a side-by-side comparison of the aircraft.cfg files to see what was contributing to these issues. I found the following:


1) Flight tuning section differed, I revised those values, airspeed now settles in at the desired airspeed.


2) Weight and balance, I found one value that was listed as a positive value, I revised the entry to a negative and now the aircraft stays dead center on the runway!


If you download this freeware aircraft and are having the same issues I had, please PM me on this site's forum and I will be more than glad to point you in the right direction. Same goes for you, Michael, if you should read this and want to know my findings, PM me, and I will get back to you!


Rick 4/22/19

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