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FS2004 American Airlines Boeing 767

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FS2004 American Airlines Boeing 767. The Boeing 767 is a twin-engine aircraft of the U.S. aircraft manufacturer Boeing. The economically very successful low-wing monoplane was the first long-haul Boeing aircraft with only two engines and is produced today. The Boeing 767 has until today more transatlantic flights performed than any other passenger airplane. The development of the Boeing 767 as a widebody aircraft began on 6 July 1979 and was intended as a replacement for the Boeing 707. The first flight took place on 26 Of September 1981. Without virtual cockpit. Free for private use. By Andreas Meyer - www.afs-design.de

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Okay, Andreas, get ready for an "ear full!" I love your freeware AMERICAN AIRLINES BOEING 767, however, here is what I encountered trying to find the download as a "keeper!" I downloaded, and then proceeded to set the aircraft up in FSX. When starting the aircraft, I got the annoying "TEN, TEN TEN, TEN" altitude callout warning that is part of a Boeing Callouts program that I use on many of my aircraft!! Now to figure out why! Yes, I could have easily silenced out // the "10" entry in the program, which I did and all worked fine! I like your download, wanted it to stay with me, BUT, I also wanted to keep my "10" altitude callout!


I solved the problem and you might want to take a look at what I came up with! In all your Boeing 767 downloads, you are using a Contacts static_cg_height of 23.10!! 23.10?, sounded a little high to me, in that most other developers are using 13.50 for their entry! SO, I tried the 13.50 entry only to have the wheels drop below the surface of the runway and the aircraft wildly bouncing up and down, and the warning still blaring away!! OKAY, Day 2, bound and determined to whittle away at the 23.10 entry! I started at 18.00 and EUREKA! Silence in my cockpit, aircraft is not jumping and behaving like a wild Bronco! Problem solved, at least for me!


In closing, to my fellow flight simmers, if you should have this problem, this is one way to solve it. This is a great freeware download, and the new livery for American Airlines is presented as it should! So many downloads out there are being presented as either silver or a very dark/dirty white. This download is the nicest white/red that one could expect!


Thank you Andreas, nice job, just needs a little more attention!


Rick 08/12/2020

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Well, I thought I had it. First time outl, all is quiet, as soon as I added power for takeoff, the "TEN TEN TEN TEN" began! I cut back the settings for the static_cg_height from the 18 to 16, now it sound out the TEN 4 times and then goes silent. I might be able to live with that, don't know if I can be that patient. Maybe you have some ideas Andreas????? I've exhausted all of mine!



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Well, as luck would have it, I found an old article of mine on this download, the same issue I was having with it years ago, my fix back then was to replace the Boeing callouts, small jet programming with the Large jet programming, and it worked back then and it did work here again for me! That helped me, but anyone out there that has a simple install without the Boeing callouts, you will get the TEN TEN TEN TEN issue, and I can't help you with that , other than lowering that static_cg_height down to 16, but when applying power, you will still have to hear it for 4 - 5 times, then it will go away! Other than that, I like the download, there are some issues with the landing lights not appearing out onto the runway from a cockpit view. You can see they work from an external view, though! That doesn't help the pilot? Still haven't figured that one out!

Anyway, good luck with this one, nice download, but, does have issues!



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