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FS2004 Scenery--Port McNeill CAM8 in BC, Canada

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FS2004 Scenery--Port McNeill CAM8 in BC, Canada. This is the seventh in a series of new and renovated float bases in BC. Port McNeill is a float base in a sheltered inlet on the northeast coast of Vancouver Island, close to the town and just under 20 miles east of the Port Hardy float base. There is no fuel available, and the Port Hardy float base acts as a refueling center for this and other float bases in the neighborhood. The dock is to the west of the marina and east of the log raft area. The video will make it all clear and do not be confused by the title, it really is a flight from Port Hardy to Port McNeill. The AI is a further adaptation of the CF36 AI and involves Beavers as listed in the AI folder. At Port McNeill all the AI works for both landing and takeoff for all of the planes, no matter what the wind direction is. All of these float bases can be installed together in the same folders, with a saving in duplicate textures. So a series called BC Floats (or whatever you want to call it) or individually installed float bases; your choice. The next in the series was supposed to be Sullivan Bay, another floating marina, but Port Hardy and Port McNeill prevailed. By Roger Wensley.


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