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FS2004 Scenery--Port Hardy CAW5

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FS2004 Scenery--Port Hardy CAW5 in BC, Canada. This is the sixth in a series of new and renovated float bases in BC. Port Hardy is a float base in a sheltered inlet on the northeast coast of Vancouver Island, close to the town and just 6 miles northwest of the Port Hardy airport. There is fuel (both JetA and 100LL) and also oil available, and the base acts as a refuelling centre for all other float bases in the neighbourhood. THe dock is one-sided as the northern side borders a shallow area that is in fact exposed at low tide, as is most of the inlet to the south of BC Packers (adjacent to the float base, to the south). The parking along the dock is maximised by backing up each plane by hand so that is is close to the one behind it; this is not possible to replicate with AI in FS9 (watch the video). Watch out for the log boom on the other side of the inlet, it is there to protect fish farm "pools". The AI is a further adaptation of the CF36 AI and involves several Beavers and Otters, as listed in the AI folder. At Port Hardy all the AI works for both landing and takeoff for all of the planes, no matter what is the wind direction. There is a pic of the Supplement Port Hardy page, showing the two take-off and landing areas plus the third area that is to be used for take-off before 7am. All of these float bases can be installed together in the same folders, with a saving in duplicate textures. So a series called BC Floats (or whatever you want to call it) or individually installed float bases; your choice. The next in the series will be Port McNeill. By Roger Wensley.


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