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FS2004 Scenery--Sproat Lake CAA9 V2 on Vancouver Island

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FS2004 Scenery--Sproat Lake CAA9 V2 on Vancouver Island. This presumes you have already installed Sproat Lake CAA9 (SPROAT_LAKE.ZIP); it is not a stand-alone scenery. In the original post the traffic bgl was omitted. This is now included, as are the two AI Beavers that FSAddon yesterday gave permission for inclusion and use as AI with Sproat Lake. So if you already have the pay scenery they came with installed they will show up anyway, but if you don't then install these two and they will; just drop the Sproat Lake AI Beavers folder into your aircraft folder, and the traffic bgl into the FS2004 Scenery/World/Scenery folder as usual. This scenery now also includes a parked Grumman Goose amphibian as this was the plane that the Fire Boss would be operating in while fire fighting. The textures are what were available and are revised to at least have a Canadian registration. If possible a more accurate version will be posted at a later date. Drop the bgl's and textures into the already installed Sproat Lake scenery and texture folders and say yes to overwrite or replace. By Roger Wensley.


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