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FS2004 Scenery--Knight Inlet CF36 in BC, Canada

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FS2004 Scenery--Knight Inlet CF36 in BC, Canada. Knight Inlet is a floating lodge that organises "nature experiences", ranging from close encounters with local grizzly bears to fishing. Knight Inlet is to the north of "the narrows" where the Inside Passage gets squeezed between the mainland and the island, and there is a chart section attached with a pointer to the location. Knight Inlet runs east-west, and the lodge is tucked into a smaller north-south offshoot, close to where the main inlet turns north. The water runway here is in the middle of the north-south offshoot, though of course in reality the "runway" is wherever the wind dictates it to be. The buoyed log boom next to the lodge is to keep escaped logs from drifting in and colliding with boats; float plane pilots keep their eyes peeled too. Most of the AI is from Vancouver Harbour, Harbour Air Otters and West Coast Air Beavers, plus a SeAir Beaver from Campbell River and a private Cessna from the nearby Minstrel Island. This is the second in a series of new and renovated float bases in BC (the first being Sproat Lake) and to cope with the AI demands FSAddon have authorised the inclusion here of a bunch of AI Otters and Beavers that were originally part of a payware scenery for the area. Thanks are due there. By Roger Wensley.


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