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CFS2 Mess At Midway Island Mission Pack v2.0

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CFS2 Mess At Midway Island Mission Pack v2.0. This pack consists of a set of completely fictional "Quick Combat" style missions for Microsoft Combat Flight Simulator 2. There are three equally matched squadrons of incoming enemy aircraft approaching Midway Island in each of the missions. Get airborne as quickly as possible, and assist the friendlies with destroying all incoming enemy threats. Created by Rich "Weeds" Nagel.

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P.S. A few little weird obscure ways to have some more fun with these missions: Fun #1) Start one of the easier missions (the Allied AI have a better chance of shooting all of the enemies down by themselves in the easier versions of the missions). Install and use the addon module "CFO Weather v7.5.7" ( http://www.mwgfx.co.uk/Cfsops/Modules/cfo_weather/Cfo_Weather_75.htm ) so that you can "warp" to a distant airfield while actually in the mission (so that the enemy AI can't shoot at you and destroy your aircraft). Go into "Chase" view (the "C" key for Flight Simulator controls). Use the "TAB" key (Flight Simulator controls) to cycle through the chase views of the various AI aircraft, ships, vehicles, and static objects in the mission. Pan around and move in and out with your joystick HAT, zoom in and out with the " " and "-" keys, and enjoy a nice "high action" war movie! :) Fun #2) Backup your "Multiplayer.mis" file in the "CFS2" directory on your hard drive. Then copy one of the ".MIS" mission files and matching ".DYN" dynamic files (located in the "CFS2\MISSIONS" directory on your hard drive) to the file "Multiplayer.mis" and "Multiplayer.dyn". Copy the "Multiplayer.mis" and "Multiplayer.dyn" files to your main "CFS2" directory on your hard drive (you DID back up the original "Multiplayer.mis" file, RIGHT?). Start a new "Free For All" TCP/IP multiplayer game, and enjoy all of the fighting. Hehe, *ALL* of the aircraft, ships, and vehicles in the game are enemies with each other... AND YOU as well LOL! After all of the carnage, ensure that you RESTORE your ORIGINAL "Multiplayer.mis" file, as well as deleting the "Multiplayer.dyn" file in your main "CFS2" directory. (As mentioned above, you DID back up the original "Multiplayer.mis" file, RIGHT?) Fun #3) Copy one of the ".MIS" mission files and matching ".DYN" dynamic files (located in the "CFS2\MISSIONS" directory on your hard drive) to the file "QC.mis" and "QC.dyn". Copy the "QC.mis" and "QC.dyn" files to your main "CFS2" directory on your hard drive. Start a new "Quick Combat" game. Hehe, you can't really "win" the mission, but after all of the actual mission's enemies are shot down, it's fun watching the Allied aircraft, ships, and vehicles shoot down each newly spawned "Quick Combat" enemy :) Afterwards, simply delete the "QC.mis" and "QC.dyn" files in your main "CFS2" directory on your hard drive. P.P.S. Yeah, I KNOW... I'm EASILY AMUSED LOL! :)
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