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X-Plane 10 NC-701 Martinet (Siebel 204D)

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X-Plane 10 NC-701 Martinet (Siebel 204D). The SNCAC Martinet was a German-designed but French-built twin-engined military trainer and light transport monoplane. It was operated by the French military and in small numbers by French airlines from the late 1940s. To aide the German war effort the SNCAC factory at Bourges was ordered to produce 455 Siebel Si 204s light transports for the Luftwaffe. The company then produced two variants; the NC701 Martinet based on the Si 204D with a glazed unstepped nose and powered by two Renault 12S engines, and the NC.702 Martinet with a conventional stepped windscreen nose based on the Si 204A. By Philippe Gastebois.

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