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X-Plane 9.70+ Tupolev Tu-85 Barge 1.0

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X-Plane 9.70+ Tupolev Tu-85 Barge 1.0. The Tupolev Tu85 Barge was a Soviet prototype strategic bomber based on the Tu-4, an unlicensed reverse engineered copy of the Boeing B-29 Superfortress. It was the ultimate development of the B-29 family, being over 50% heavier than its ancestor and had nearly double the range. Only two prototypes were built before the program was canceled in favor of the Tupolev Tu-95 bomber, which was much faster and had the same range. This X-Plane model has animated spinners, gun turrets, cowl flaps and gear and bomb doors. Documentation is included in the package. By Vasco Ribeiro.


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