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X-Plane 9.70+ Tupolev Tu-142M Bear F

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X-Plane 9.70+ Tupolev Tu-142M Bear F. The Tupolev Tu-142 (NATO reporting name: Bear F/J) is a maritime reconnaissance and anti-submarine warfare (ASW) aircraft derived from the Tu-95 turboprop strategic bomber. The Bear F is a crew manned large aircraft. The engines are handled and monitored by the flight engineer, not the pilot. Therefore, for X-Plane, the panel has been modified for solo flight with essential engine information and control placed in view of the pilot. Navigation was, likewise, handled by the navigator, so those functions are also placed in view of the pilot. As a result, the panel, although custom, is not a faithful representation of the actual panel. The author hopes this is not of disappointment to you, but thinks it will provide a more pleasurable flight experience. By Ron Norvelle.



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