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FSX Aeronica Antonov An26 Fix

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FSX Aeronica Antonov An26 Fix. New panel, gauges, sound and thumbnail. AN-26 model by Vladimir Zhyhulskiys, textures by Yankyvictor.

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Honest review/feedback #2


Lets get right into it

Pros) Decent Model, Solid Custom Sounds, Solid Custom Cockpit* , A NICE VC!, She handles very well even though she does not natively support ILS Systems (This will be brought up a lot in my reviews/feedbacks mostly with Jetliners), Custom Animations


Cons) Textures, The Cockpit*, Metric System (Realism)


Summery) She is a beautiful aircraft that is a little rough around the edges, the VC, Cockpit, and handling of this bird makes her worth the download, but there is more to her. The authentic feel of this plane as well! Now personally there is a few things that were a minor pet peeve of this plane. Personally in the VC the co-pilot and crew, They just bring down the overall good quality of the VC and I would have just left them out if I created the mod. She is so easy to fly by hand that I made a pretty rough (rain and short runway) visual landing in Latvia quite easily! With everything else going for it I feel the Textures are a little lacking, they are not bad I just feel they could be better. The custom animations are a nice touch aswell. She uses the metric system rather then the native imperial system in FSX for her onboard systems. This was not a problem for me because I just converted my altitude in flight to adjust, however this could be something that catches a person off guard.


So overall do I recommend this mod (and its sister mod an26_raf-avia_fix.zip) ? Yes, she has her setbacks but overall she is still a very good Russian Turboprop! She will be staying in my FS directory for a good long time!

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Thank you.

She is a great aircraft. Very nice.

The above mentioned setbacks are nothing compared to other aircraft I've downloaded.

Thanks guys, great job!

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