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FS2004 Avro Avian G-EBTU

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FS2004 Avro Avian G-EBTU. A repaint for Dave Molyneaux's FS2004 Avro Avian (AVRO_AVIAN.ZIP). G-EBTU c/n 125 was built in 1927 and delivered to Captain William Lancaster, based at Croydon. Named 'Red Rose', in late 1927/early 1928, the aircraft was flown from England to Australia with Mrs. Jessie Miller as passenger. Sold in Australia as G-AUTU, later VH-UTU, the aircraft won the Coffs Harbour Aerial Derby in 1931.Destroyed by fire in a crash landing at Singleton, NSW in June 1936. Repaint by Peter Watkins.

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