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FS2004 Avro Avian G-ABCF

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FS2004 Avro Avian G-ABCF. A repaint for Dave Molyneaux's FS2004 Avro Avian (AVRO_AVIAN.ZIP). G-ABCF c/n 467 was built in 1930 and delivered to Charles Kingsford-Smith who named it 'Southern Cross Junior'. Kingsford-Smith flew the Avian in a race for light aircraft from England to Australia and departed London on 9 October 1930. He arrived in Darwin on 19 October after 10 stops en route, easily beating Bert Hinklers record. The aircraft was written off by Guy Menzies in a crash landing in New Zealand on 7 January 1931. Repaint by Peter Watkins.

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