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FS2004 Americana de Aviacion Douglas DC-6

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FS2004 Americana de Aviacion Douglas DC-6, registration HC-ARK, "El Pinguino" (c/n 42865). This DC-6 was the 13th built and originally delivered 1947 to American Airlines as "Flagship Texas" renamed later "Flagship South Carolina". American sold her in 1960 to Aerolineas Peruanas as OB-OAD-545. From 1964 onwards she was in the hands of some U.S. leasing companies and goes then to Americana. They used the plane until 1970 and then it was broken up at Quito after 1975. You need to download and install the latest Douglas DC-6 base pack with model, sound and panel from CalClassics. By Manfred Meyer.

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