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FSX Scenery--Los Roques Archipelago And Airports

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About This File

FSX Scenery--Los Roques Archipelago And Airports. This project rebuilds Venezuela's Los Roques archipelago, adds the Gran Roque (SVRS) and Dos Mosquises (SVDM) airports, and includes AI flight plans, boat traffic, and a custom terrain mesh for Gran Roque. Accurate coastlines and lakes, as well as corrected landclass and waterclass are provided based on the latest available satellite imagery. Although current satellite imagery for this region only exists in relatively low resolution, an abundance of aerial photography was used to add custom features to Gran Roque and Dos Mosquises. Updates were created or rebuilt in a manner which carefully aligned airport data with current satellite imagery, when available. Scenery was created using Airport Design Editor X v1. 50. 4402, SBuilderX 3. 13, and the FSX Object Placement Tool. Scenery objects were added and modified from stock FSX scenery to resemble as closely as possible the actual airports. Thank you to John Hinson and Tiago Besciak for granting permission to adapt their AI flight plans to realistically populate (SVRS) Gran Roque. Requires LOS_ROQUES_UPDATE_1.ZIP. By Carlyle Sharpe.

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