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FS2004 Scenery--Clinton Point

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FS2004 Scenery--Clinton Point (CWCP) in NT, Canada. Clinton Point, Horton River, and Keats Point are DEW line stations on Canada's mainland north coast. Clinton Point is almost 300 miles east of Tuktoyaktuk and on the Northwest Territories and Nunavut border. It is the site of a closed DEW station (closed in 1993) and all the buildings have been removed, unlike many other sites where buildings were just abandoned. The roads and the gravel runway down by the beach are still there. Horton River is 150 miles east of Tuktoyaktuk, up on higher land above the cliffs at around 500 feet ASL. The NWS is serviced by helicopter from a barge 400 yards away on the beach. There is a gravel landing pad on the north side of the station. Keats Point is 270 miles east of Tuktoyaktuk, 7 miles from the coast but significantly close to a lake, which was probably used for float plane delivery in the summer (or ski plane delivery in the winter) of NWS station elements during construction. There is a significant 60 feet wide cleared path leading from the lake. By Roger Wensley.

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