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FS2004 Scenery--Nicholson Peninsula

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FS2004 Scenery--Nicholson Peninsula (CWNP), Canada. These are DEW line sites in northern mainland Canada, to the east of Tuktoyaktuk. Nicholson Peninsula CWNP is 100 miles east of Tuktoyaktuk. The peninsula is sometimes more like an island as it is barely connected to the mainland, and at the northern end there is another long and narrow bar with the gravel runway on top. It is officially closed but usable. Liverpool Bay CWLB is 50 miles east of Tuktoyaktuk, up on high land at around 300 feet ASL. Unlike CWNP there was no previous DEW station at this site so there are no roads, and CWLB is serviced by helicopter from a barge a mile away on the beach. There is a gravel landing pad on the north side of the station. By Roger Wensley.

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