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FSX "Swiss Himalaya Expedition" PC-6C

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FSX "Swiss Himalaya Expedition" PC-6C. Repaint for a Pilatus Turbo Porter in service from the Dhaulagiri-Expedition. The Swiss Dhaulagiri Himalayan Expedition set a record for the highest altitude landing for a fixed wing aircraft using a Pilatus Porter. After a landing accident (May 5, 1960) HB-FAN has been left there on an altitude of 5200m - where it rest until today. Please note: The original airplane was not a PC-6C Turbo-Porter, but a PC-6 powered by a 254 kW (340-shp) piston engine. Textures only; requires the PC-6C from Tim Conrad (PC-6C_H2TURBOPORTER.ZIP). By Bernhard Lechner.

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