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FSX Grumman Hellcat I JV125 Stanley Orr

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FSX Grumman Hellcat I JV125 Stanley Orr. This is a repaint (textures only) for the payware RealFlight F6F Hellcat. This repaint was made with the included paint kit by RealFlight. This texture represents the Hellcat I JV125 of Lt Cdr Stanley G Orr, No 804 Sqn, HMS Emperor, 14 May 1944. This drably marked Hellcat I was used by Lt Cdr Orr to attack a formation of He115 floatplanes off the coast of Norway on this date. Delivered to No 804 Sqn as an attrition replacement in early May following the units return from the April Tirpitz raids, JV125's service records are a little vague after its initial successes off Norway. Its only other entries of note whilst in FAA service were that it was delivered to Shorts of Belfast for repair following a Cat B accident in early 1945, and that it did not return to airworthiness until December that year. By Brian Hill.

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