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FSX Grumman F6F3 VF27 Stambook

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About This File

FSX Grumman F6F3 VF27 Stambook. This is a repaint (textures only) for the payware RealFlight Grumman F6F Hellcat. This repaint was made with the included paint kit by RealFlight. This texture represents the F6F-3 White 17 of Lt Richard Stambook, VF-27, USS Princeton, 24 October 1944. Stambook was VF-27's third highest scorer on their 1944 deployment, having claimed his final kill (a 'Nick') six days prior to Princetons sinking. A seasoned pilot by the time he saw combat with VF-27 in 1944. 'Dick' Stambook had earlier served with VS-3 on Dauntlesses and VF-6 and VF-3 on Wildcats. By Brian Hill.

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