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FSX Grumman F6F3 CVAG5 James Flatley

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About This File

FSX Grumman F6F3 CVAG5 James Flatley. This is a repaint (textures only) for the payware RealFlight F6F Hellcat. This repaint was made with the included paint kit by RealFlight. This texture represents the F6F-3 White 00/BuNo 04872 of Cdr James H Flatley, CVAG-5, USS Yorktown, 6 May 1943. Widley is respected as one of the Navy's outstanding combat leaders, 'Jimmy' Flatley flew this early-production F6F-3 while commanding Air Group 5 during carrier work-ups in mid-1943. Indeed, BuNo 04872 was the first ever aircraft to land aboard the second Yorktown, a feat it accomplished on the above-mentioned date. Note the '00' 'Double Nuts' modex, now recognized the world over as denoting the CAG's aircraft. The origin of this marking is a little vague, as most CAGs used the modex '99' to decorate their aircraft, with '00' then being used in Navy terminology to denote the admiral. Indeed, Flately used the callsign '99 Sniper' when airborne, so as to not to offend his ranking superiors who may be listening in. By Brian Hill.

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