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FS2004 Kenaire Corp. Convair CV-240 N240K

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FS2004 Kenaire Corp. Convair CV-240 N240K, built in 1948 for American Airlines with Msn 89. In 1959 purchased by Welsch Aviation, fitted with an executive interior and sold to Joseph Kennedy for use in the 1960 presidential campaign of his son, Senator John F. Kennedy. The aircraft was operated by Kenaire Corporation until 1967 when it was donated to the National Air and Space Museum, Smithsonian Institution, where it is still in storage in dismantled condition. The "Caroline" was the first private aircraft ever used by a presidential candidate and thus revolutionized modern American politics. Original aircraft by Greg Pepper and Tom Gibson, flight dynamics by FSAviator, repainted in 1960 colors by Hans Hermann, Virtual Birds Factory supported by John F. Kennedy Presidential Library, Boston, and National Air and Space Museum, Washington DC.

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