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5 Ways Menopause Can Affect Your Health



Menopause is a time of change. Unfortunately, many of the things that happen naturally can negatively affect your health. Here are six common effects of menopause and what you can do to manage them.


1. Night Sweats and Hot Flashes


Hot flashes often occur for years before and after the actual time of menopause, in the periods known as peri- and post-menopause. They are caused by decreased estrogen levels in the body.

When you experience hot flashes at night, they are usually referred to as night sweats. You may find yourself waking up in the middle of the night drenched to the skin. This can seriously disrupt natural sleep patterns and lead to other health issues.


2. Emotional Changes


There is such a thing as menopause anger, and anyone who tells you otherwise has obviously never experienced it firsthand. However, mood changes that accompany menopause are not all about irritability. Instead, many women experience intense fluctuations in moods, sometimes swinging from one extreme to another.


Many jokes have been made about menopausal women and their moods. While the jokes themselves may be inappropriate and misguided, the emotional changes brought on by hormone changes are no laughing matter. They can lead to social withdrawal, loneliness and depression if you do not address them in a healthy way.


Many women find that mindfulness techniques can be helpful in identifying mood changes and working to moderate their effects. These same strategies can also reduce stress and anxiety, making them excellent tools for dealing with the ups and downs of everyday life.


3. Weight Gain


Another effect of dropping hormone levels is a slower metabolism which can cause weight gain. While being a few pounds overweight won't usually lead to major physical health problems, it can cause you to feel depressed or anxious. Additionally, significant amounts of extra weight can put added strain on many physical systems, like your heart, muscles and bones.


If you notice that you are having trouble maintaining a healthy weight after menopause, there are some things you can do. Start by acknowledging the change, and then talk with your doctor about steps you can take to control future weight gain.


4. Sleep Deprivation


Several symptoms of menopause, such as an increased urge to urinate, hot flashes and night sweats, can disrupt natural sleep rhythms. Unfortunately, this can lead to sleep deprivation, which can set in after as few as four or five days of too little or poor quality sleep.


Some of the most common symptoms of sleep deprivation include irritability, mood swings, memory problems, difficulty concentrating, and excessive drowsiness during the day. Establishing a nighttime routine and following it every day can help combat the problem. However, you will need to acknowledge that physical changes due to menopause may continue to cause disruptions.


5. Sexual Discomfort


Sexual discomfort and dysfunction often accompany decreased estrogen levels associated with menopause. It can manifest in several different ways. For example, many women experience lower libido, even if they have had a healthy sex drive in the past. Intercourse can also become painful for some people. A common cause of that is vaginal dryness and thinning of vaginal tissues.


Open communication with your partner is key during this time. Be honest about how you feel, both physically and emotionally. It's a good idea to stress that this is a natural consequence of your changing body. Look for creative solutions to maintain intimacy with your partner.


6. Reduced Bone Density


This is perhaps the most serious health effect of menopause. Decreasing bone density can increase your risk for fractures and related complications. Be sure to have bone health screenings performed according to your doctor's recommendation, and always follow up if they show cause for concern.


Hot flashes, weight gain, and mood swings are a few of the health effects of menopause that can be managed with proper care.


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