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10 Ways To Stay Fit As a Pilot



An exciting career as an airplane pilot can take you far. Your job requires full attention and long hours of dedication in the cockpit. A body that is tired and rundown can make you vulnerable to mistakes and zap the joy from your days. Put in the work to get fit and stay in great shape. Model good health for your colleagues and the next generation of pilots. Your body and your career are worth the investment.


1. Optimize Nutrition

Fitness starts on the inside. Airport fast food and vending machines may seem convenient at the moment, but they typically lack nutritional value. Prepare balanced meals at home or try a weekly delivery service. Choose an option that can be put on hold during long trips. Packing healthy snacks like high-quality energy bars and cut vegetables can get you through long days. Consider boosting your nutrition goals with support from a multivitamin and a specialized glycogen supplement to aid in recovery after major exertion.


2. Stay Hydrated

You may misinterpret signs of dehydration as hunger cues and reach for sugary snacks. Bring an approved water bottle with you to sip throughout the day. You can avoid distracting headaches, dizziness, and fatigue by setting a water target for each day. An electrolyte drink can help you to maintain homeostasis during flight hours.


3. Focus on Aerobic Conditioning

Cardiac fitness is paramount for your ability to stay focused and consistent under pressure. Your heart needs to be in great condition to carry everyone through potential moments of stress onboard the plane. Schedule time to walk, run, or ride a stationary bike before flights. Try a HIIT (high-intensity interval training) workout in your hotel room or at home. HIIT workouts can last as little as 10-20 minutes and slot into a tight calendar.


4. Add Strength Training

Strength training is essential for building muscle tone that helps your body to feel good while sitting up at attention during extended flights. Join a gym with free weights and machines while you are at home and work towards a resilient baseline. Pack resistance bands for your days away so that you can maintain your strength without searching for equipment. Resistance bands come in a variety of levels and take up very little space in a bag.


5. Try Yoga

A yoga practice can increase your flexibility and joint mobility. Start with a virtual beginner course and improve your spinal alignment. Awareness of your body in space, or proprioception, can be stabilizing while you are in the air. Yoga can be great for people who live with chronic pain or digestion issues. Save videos of practices that are designed for travel or small spaces.


6. Meditate Daily

A meditation practice can help you to mentally manage stress and eliminate the physical signs of an unbalanced life. This can relax your nervous system and allow you to control your breathing in a healthier manner.

7. Find an Accountability Buddy

Pair up with a co-worker or friend to check in on each other’s fitness goals. You can text or share your progress over video calls when you are out of town. Meet for walks or group workouts when you are nearby.


8. Use Fitness Apps

Fitness apps on smartphones can be extremely accessible and affordable. Track your nutrition and exercise daily and get useful ideas.


9. Hire a Personal Trainer

A personal trainer can raise your motivation and introduce you to new types of exercise. They may be able to notice areas for improvement and give especially helpful advice that accounts for your whole situation.


10. Make Movement a Lifestyle

Choose stairs over the elevators and find ways to stretch on long days. Add movement throughout your day and try isometric exercises while waiting for your next flight.

Make smart choices about your health today and let your potential soar. Dietary and exercise modifications can fit around your high-flying life.


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