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Designing a Private Aircraft Hangar



Private Aircraft Hangars. For some people, flying is more than just a job. It's a way of life. Others don't have the room in their homes or garages for all the aircraft related supplies they own. If you fall into the second category, you should consider constructing your hangar. There are many advantages to owning your hangar, from controlling how much it costs to maintain to building it exactly how you want it. But how do you design one that will work for your needs? Let's see what you need to know about designing a private aircraft hangar step by step:


What is a Private Aircraft Hangar?

A private aircraft hangar is a building you use to store your airplane. There are many different types of hangars, depending on how you want to use the facility. A private hangar is usually smaller than a commercial hangar, has less space available, and is typically designed to be used by one plane at a time. Depending on the type of aircraft you own, you may be able to store it in a private hangar for as little as one month.


How to Design a Private Aircraft Hangar

The first step in designing a private hangar is to decide what style of hangar you want. Decide if you want a traditional or a more contemporary design. Traditional hangars have rectangular or square frames with overhead doors and are usually equipped with a concrete foundation. Contemporary hangars are generally made with steel frames and overhead doors instead of concrete and are often designed with a landscape-style roof rather than a shingle roof. The next decision is to decide if you want an open or enclosed hangar. Open hangars allow the most sunlight into the storage area, while enclosed hangars are darker and generally less attractive. Some private aircraft hangars are completely enclosed, while others have sliding doors that allow you to control the amount of light inside the hangar. Next, decide if you want steel or wood construction. Steel hangars are the most expensive to construct but are also the most durable. Wood hangars are cheaper to build but are more likely to fail sooner due to factors such as rotting wood and termite damage. As far as the design of the hangar's interior goes, you have a lot of control over that. The walls and doors separate you from your airplanes that need to be structurally sound. The best way to make sure your hangar has plenty of strength is to choose one of the hangars with room for expansion. These usually have expandable walls and floors, allowing you to increase the size of the facility as your collection grows.


Things You'll Need for Designing a Private Aircraft Hangar:

Once you've determined what style of hangar you want, the next thing you'll need to decide on is what you'll need to make your hangar look the way you want it to. Here are some things you'll want to consider:


Concrete Foundation - If you choose a traditional design, concrete is the most popular construction material for private hangars. It's strong, easy to work with, and can be painted white or black.


Doors - Vertical doors are always preferred over Horizontal ones. The closer the alignment of the door and the upright structure of the upright, the stronger the door will be. If a door is not vertical, it's less than ideal.


Windows - Windows are another thing to keep in mind when designing a private hangar. Most private aircraft hangars do not have any window on the side facing the outside. However, most companies will allow you to put a window in the back of your hangar to help with the cooling issue. It's usually better to keep the windowless side facing the inside of your hangar. Windows - Windows are another thing to keep in mind when designing a private hangar. Most private aircraft hangars do not have any window on the side facing the outside. However, most companies will allow you to put a window in the back of your hangar to help with the cooling issue. It's usually better to keep the windowless side facing the inside of your hangar. Power lines are typically a no-go area in a private hangar. They are a huge-up area in the middle of your lot, and the only way to store airplanes next to them is to run power lines across your property. If you must have power lines, run them on your property's southern border so you can easily turn them off.



Now that you know what's necessary for designing a private aircraft hangar, the process of building one is just as exciting as purchasing the building itself. You'll want to evaluate your current hangar capacity and determine if you need to build additional space. If you do, look for a pre-built hangar. They usually cost less than $100,000, and you can usually pick one up at a local airport. If you decide to build your own, start by researching the type of construction required by your airplane. Concrete is the most common type, but steel and wood are also used. The type of construction also affects the cost of building a private hangar, so check into those before you start construction. A good heavy lifting company like crane rental North Dakota offer very good services. The most important thing you can do is pick a design that works best with your space and airplane collection.

Edited by kevgardner83


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