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Remodeling Your Baby's Nursery



When you bring home a brand new baby from the hospital, you are likely going to be in for a lot of work. You will need to worry about bonding with your baby, and aligning your lifestyle to the needs of the baby, all while keeping this tiny human alive. The last thing you want to be doing is still setting up the baby's nursery after they are born. So read this article on 5 tips on how to renovate your baby's nursery so they can have a comfortable place to come home to.


The Crib

Your baby's crib is essentially the central focus of the nursery. You want it to look nice and match your theme, but also be comfortable and practical for you and the baby. Depending on your color scheme and theme for the room, you may want to consider the many different styles of cribs there are out there.

The hardest part of all of this will be how to get your baby to sleep in a crib. So do not choose a crib simply based on looks. You should think about a crib that can convert into a toddler bed for when your little one gets a little older.


The Interior

You may or may not know if you are having a boy or a girl. Even if you do, you may not want to go with a basic gender-themed nursery. You should consider a gender-neutral theme and have your interior match this idea.

For example, all babies love animals, so you would not have to choose pink or blue for everything. A jungle or animal theme is classic, and there are so many ways to make it your own. Find wallpaper or borders for the walls with leaves and stuffed animals to add a cozy feel.


The Furniture

While your baby is still an infant, he or she will not be using much of the furniture on their own for quite some time. So consider nursery furniture that makes life easier for you as well. You should pick out a rocking chair to soothe you and your baby while you feed and also get ready for bed.

A lamp or a nightlight is a great idea for evenings and dark days when you do not want to turn on all of the lights. A dim feel will allow the baby to relax and it will be nice for night feedings. Do not clutter too many decor items on the floor so that you or the baby do not trip over them when you are tired.


The Location

When you are choosing the room in your house that you will create the nursery out of, select this room wisely. While your baby is tiny, they may have a bassinet in your bedroom so that you can be close to them without co-sleeping.

However, you still want to be close to their belongings in case you need to change their clothes or diaper during the night. Be sure to place the nursery close to your own bedroom for easy access. This will also be convenient as they get older.


The Budget

It is understandable for you to want your baby's room to be super special. Especially if this is your first or only child. Do keep in mind, though, that your baby is only a baby for a short while. Make sure you have a budget and do not overspend on the nursery.


Final Thoughts

You will need some money left over for clothes as the baby grows, and plenty of diapers. Try researching "nursery ideas on a budget". There are so many ideas out there, you can even try to do a lot of things yourself if you are creative.


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