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4 Ways to Learn More About Careers in Aeronautics



Aeronautics is an amazing field devoted to studying, expanding, developing and enhancing travel through the air. The science of flight involves designing airplanes and other modes of flying machines and therefore requires precision and in-depth research. If you are interested in aeronautics, here are some ways to get into the field or to learn more about the next steps you may need to take.


1. Education

Aeronautics relies heavily on physics and the physical sciences, so many of the available paths require high education levels and specialized training. Multiple degrees are often required, meaning that students will need to plan accordingly for their finances and most likely rely on reasonable student loans to help them achieve their dreams. Schooling can be expensive, especially if the student aims to pursue a doctorate degree. Focus, motivation, superior study habits, time management and financial funding, can help make this dream a reality. Some examples of jobs in aeronautics that require high education include weather station manager, psychologist, program manager, molecular biologist and mathematician.


2. Job Training

Most jobs require a bachelor’s degree at the very least. However, there are paths that do not require higher education but instead utilize very specialized training to prepare the individual for the job. Learning on the job is a different approach to education with an emphasis on the importance of hands-on training. Some examples of such jobs can include engineering technician, physical science technician, and software engineer. Summer internships, vocational schools, volunteer work, summer camps and other forms of experience can help an applicant with no related work experience or specific degrees stand out in the pool of interested people vying for that job opening.


3. Exposure

Choosing a career path can seem like a daunting task. Some opt for careers they have seen their parents, family or friends do well in. Some know exactly what they desire to be from a young age. The majority of individuals do not know and choose based on which subjects they excel in, educational experiences they have enjoyed or a variety of other reasons. Introducing children and young adults to multiple career paths can broaden their horizons, expose them to careers they had no idea existed and inspire them to pursue a new or challenging field. NASA released a guide filled with careers in aeronautics that specifically targets students in grades 5 through 12. Jobs are explained and students are given suggested courses to take to see if they enjoy the topics covered in this line of work. An interest section provides students with questions to answer to see if this would be a good fit based on their interests and abilities. There are sections to specify the education or training needed and areas of specialty, if applicable. Initiatives like this to educate the youth population on different potential jobs can help to motivate the students to do well in school.


4. Areas

The design process of aeronautics is fascinating. There are four main areas of design. They are aerodynamics, propulsion, materials and structures and stability and control. Individuals must understand how the air flow around planes works and affects the design to increase efficiency, safety and more. An understanding of the engine helps understand the power of the plane for takeoff and flight stability. Materials must be used in an efficient and appropriate manner, Lastly, controls for speed, altitude and direction are necessary for stability and safety. The sciences play a large role in each of these areas, so engineers can specialize in fields. There is also a large need for scientists, technicians and other fields. Examples include avionics, electrical, fabrication, modeling, pattern making, environmental and more.


Final Thoughts

A career in aeronautics is exciting, important and engaging. These jobs can be highly specialized. Often, high salaries, good benefits and prestige come with the position. Education is of extreme importance. Increasing awareness in young adults can help inspire them to follow a career path in aeronautics.


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