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All these distractions



All I intended to do this morning on the computer was to file my bid for next week's(?) flights with Noble Air, check up on a couple of scenery files I wanted to add, and write briefly to this blog. Instead, I also downloaded a Tu-144 that was over 100MB, checked the GMInsideNews forum for the latest and greatest (or at least the most predictable). I intended to do these thing briefly, and proceed to the gym in my continuing fight with my ever distorting shape.


But, no, it turned into reading five pages of why people on that forum think the Pontiac brand should be extinguished, mainly having to do with a considerable lack of direction in their offerings. I also checked back on threads I'd posted to, but nothing spectacular happened except that I'd refuted someone's remarks well enough to get in the proverbial last word. That happens sometimes. I still haven't decided what to bid on in our schedule, but I will.


I'd chased through several links to add Danish scenery, hitting FSNordic first, as they tend to have well organized answers there to what I was looking for. I'd read the further comments on Motor Trend's first drive of the 2010 Camaro. As they'd sampled a V6, they were essentially trying out the car I'm most interested in. I'm flat out loving what they're saying, which means that around here, the addendum stickers will be a one way ticket to the moon. An Audi A5 may prove cheaper. Hmmmm...something in the Domestic Multi-stop schedule? Nothing longer than about three hours, though. Late in the evening that can prove deadly.


Next up? MSN on ten things you should never buy used, like mattresses, for example. Somehow, much of that article was a real no-brainer, and a real waste of time. But I've decided which three lines to go for. The first one takes me through some of the best scenery I've downloaded...


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I can think of another product that should never be bought used. It's put on like a glove. But it might go well with a used matress, I suppose. (Can I say these things on TV?) Edited by xxmikexx
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