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To Simming and Vacation



Over the last year I have had a really good time with FSX. I accomplished around the world flight in the Honda Jet. Thanks for a fellow simmer providing me the airports that the real world pilot did. I did a few modifications of the destinations. All in all it was quite an adventure to see what pops up in FSX going to places I've never been before.



Then I did a tour of the mediterranean in a single engine turbo prop. There was some amazing scenery with all the islands to visit. I never realized how diverse the terrain was in that area.


Now it's two weeks of vacation coming up. I think that I would miss doing my simming and I would in a way. However, I think it is always good to get away from everything including our hobbies. It's a time to rest, recharge and come back fresh to take on another year of work, chores and hobbies.


So, I will cattle car my way to sunshine and beaches for a while and just sit back and let someone else do the piloting.


I'll definitely keep track of the screenshot forum. The folks there are great and always post quality sim adventures! Fly on! :cool:

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