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Flight Simulator 2020



It's been a long time since I have logged onto this site. I am beyond excited that we have a new version coming out next year. I started out with Bruce Artwick's Flt Sim back in 1981 back before Microsoft got involved. Most likely some of you all weren't even born yet. How many of you remember FS 1.0?


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I wont be needing to make and review before I buy this.

This one might be a little costly seeing the new flight sim will be subscription based. So looks like a yearly or even monthly payment must be made in order to keep access.

But I could not care less if this cost me $100 per month! Ill be paying it for sure!

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I wont be needing to make and review before I buy this.

This one might be a little costly seeing the new flight sim will be subscription based. So looks like a yearly or even monthly payment must be made in order to keep access.

But I could not care less if this cost me $100 per month! Ill be paying it for sure!

I too have used FS since Bruce Artwick's Flight Simulator (1) and on Apple to start with. Going on to IBM clones FS2 and Hercules graphics. It used to be the standard by which you rated the performance of your PC. It's a no brainer for me to go for 2020. I have even signed up for the Alpha program, but I just get the progress reports so far.

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I was so amazed with FS 1 when it came out. Albeit akin to stick figures, but I was able to do something on my computer that was fun and educational.
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Ah !!, Flight Simulator 1. Still, it was the most realistic available in "way back then". My interest really started with Microsoft Flight Simulator and 4.1 if I remember correctly. The ability to actually design and test and fly the product of your own mind and imagination built in to a simulator. There were other Flight Sim programs designed for the Z80 chip and limited graphics.


In fact most of the graphics were ASCII text with a "successful landing" banner popping up at the bottom of the display after doing a takeoff, fly, landing entirely by typing in thrust, angle of attack, altitude, and very little available for actual fine adjustments like ailerons etc. In fact the input need to "fly" seemed/seems more like the inputs from a basic autopilot to the aircraft controls. Have we moved so far away from these "old" flight simulators on the actual mechanics of input of command or control (physical and automatic) to fly.


The fun was to hire time in a Cessna 172 at the local aero club, fly and remember and take note of everything you did. Back at home fire up the Flight Simulator and try to duplicate the real world flight from earlier that day. Sort of reverse testing in a way.


But, graphics, they make the Flight Sims of today so close to reality.


I think I will land the Bell 206 I am flying in my driveway now.





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Guest ChristianJ


I suppose, high quality product is always expensive! But it makes your experience maximum wonderful!
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