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Fruits of my labour.



I didn't realise how quick I was at repainting aircraft. An hour after I posted last night, I'd finished. I then made some tweaks on it and added a few details.



Here was the original from the first flight for those who missed it on the Screenshot Forum.



Here it is, as of this morning, with sponsorship logos. I'm going to do another repaint very soon on it. :D

Edited by dobar


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I was being half-facetious. A fellow simmer insisted that I install the Christensen Eagle that he flies. I did, and found it to be a marvelous aerobatic aircraft, just as you so obviously have.


Trouble is, I have no interest in flying aerobatics. I like to watch it, but having done 1-2 hours of basic aerobatics in a Citabria (I have a PPL) I discovered that it's not for me. Rather, my thing is hand-flying big iron in IFR conditions.


So is your thing flying the Eagle, which motivates the repaints, or do you just like the way the aircraft looks? (I do too.)

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I both enjoy how it flies and how it looks. I just downloaded it and decided to have a go at another repaint for fun and possibly some practice.


As for aerobatics, some love it, some just don't enjoy it as much. There are, of course, those in between. Everyone has their tastes for different styles of flight.

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It's a lot of fun to read. I had a great time. Thank you for sharing this valuable information. UNO Online is a multiplayer game that can be played by up to four people at once. To win this game, you must employ the same strategy as in any other card game. The most important aspect is being the first to discard all of his cards.
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