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This Year's Weird Weather In Denver



I don't want to get into the issue of climate change. Suffice it to say that I believe the sun to be a variable star on several different time scales, and that average global temperature can therefore be expected to fluctuate on several different time scales.


Colorado is on roughly a 44-year climate cycle though this too is subject to a lot of variation. We have been locked into a severe drought for many years now, and while I thought for a short time that we were emerging from the drought, now I have to say that I'm not so sure anymore.




When we moved to Colorado in 1978, that year's winter was among the coldest and snowiest on record. For example, in early 79 it reached -37 F on the deck of our then house in Colorado Springs. (That same night Leadville recorded -60 F.) There was so much snow that piles of it persisted in the supermarket parking lots into late July. (!)


Denver's weather is milder than that of the Springs. Nevertheless, because we've been living around Denver since 1990 or so, I can tell you that the past few winters have been mild even by Denver standards.


In particular, last winter was the first one in which I never had to use a snow shovel. The mountains got plenty of snow but down here in Flatland we did not, and there were very few days of significant cold.


So I'm going to count that winter as the mildest one I've ever seen out here. Yet the mildest winter hung on the longest of any that I can recall. In fact, this past spring was the coldest ever as far as I know.


Of course it's summer now. Denver set a record last week for the longest string of consecutive days when the temperature went above 90 F, something like eighteen of them. Yet it's only broken 100F on two days that I can recall, where normally by this time we'd have had a dozen of them.


So I'm going to count this as the coolest summer I can recall, the recent record notwithstanding. Not only that ...




I think that when last week's string of 90+ F days ended, summer ended. I very much doubt that we're going to see 100 F again this year even though August is usually our hottest month.


In fact, it's become cloudy. Combine that with the fact that the Canada geese seem to be starting their southward migration and I am led to predict an early winter, but a mild one again.


We shall see what we shall see.




Oh yes, another sign of regional temperatures this year ...


We have not stopped seeing contrails from the jets flying high over BJC, the Jefferson County VOR. Normally contrails are gone by late May and are not seen again till late August. This year I've seen them every day, another first for the area.

Edited by xxmikexx


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Ah, the WEATHER: one of those things that everyone talks about but can't do anything about. Kinda like politics.....but that's a subject for a different blog!


Anything you want to know about the weather though, all you have to do is ask Al Gore; he knows all about it. After all he got a Nobel Prize for it!


Funny; this "global warming" debate. A few million years ago we had the Ice Age. That's (the receeding of the ice) what caused our Great Lakes along with other natural geographical features. So, if the ice receeded way back then, why shouldn't it continue to receed? Besides, it seems we're running out of water so maybe this will improve the situation.



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If you want to talk politics and/or religion and/or any other taboo subject, the place to do it is in the little-known forum at TrainSim.com named "The Yard", at the very bottom of the forum list. I'd be happy to meet you there to discuss anything you'd like that would not be appropriate fare for FlightSim.com.


It's a very interesting bunch of people there ranging from loony left to loony right and all stops in between, including a military items collector who calls his home "Firebase Andy", and a hilarious Canadian who continually takes well-aimed potshots at we USA people. :)


You and I could safely start some trouble over there :D -- I guarantee you that the usual suspects would chime in but that no harm would be done and, in the end, no grudges held.


Ordinarily I would not publcize The Yard but there's nobody here in my blog but us chickens -- and the few who are reading us might also want to join in.


Wanna go for it? (You would need a thick skin because essentially anything goes over there.)


How about the rest of you? Trust me, the Conversation Police have no jurisdiction there, and the Great Site Owner In The Sky, webmaster Nels Anderson, turns a blind eye to the happenings in The Yard.

Edited by xxmikexx
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Now ... I really don't want to get into politics here -- The Yard would be a much better place ...


But as I like to say, Here in Colorado we have everything except an ocean, and if Al Gore is right, in 50 years we'll have one here too. (In the Mile High City. :D)

Edited by xxmikexx
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OK.....I put some stuff in the Yard. We'll see what happens. I didn't see any of your stuff there though.
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Okay. I couldn't figure out what your username is, and "skylab" doesn't show up in the member list. (Separate registration for the forums there too.)


Anyway, see the "I'm Ba-a-a-a-ck" thread and we'll go from there.


By the way, my Train-Sim identity is zzmikezz.

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Looks like an [rgarber] doesn't want you or I there. I'd just as soon keep two separate identities if you don't mind between there and here. Like I said, I posted some stuff there this AM that has already generated a PM from one of the Moderators claiming I was trying to start a flame war. I wasn't (but it probably appeared to be) and told him so. I thought you said that "anything goes" over there?
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How can I identify the thread you started? (It might have been deleted?)


Apparently the policy at The Yard has changed. (As I said, I hadn't been there since March.) I've never seen a moderator at work in that forum before, and now there is a detailed set of rules posted, which is also new. (Unless I misread a timestamp, the rules may have been posted subsequent to my defending myself against rgarber's attack.)


As you saw, rgarber attacked me the moment I arrived. He was not chastised, but I was, for making a comparatively mild reply, after which this guy was allowed to attack me again. So I opened up another thread explaining that the things he was saying about me were simply wrong. Result? Another nastygram post from the moderator, whose position is that I should "be the bigger man" and sit there and take my lumps.


Well, we'll give it a try, but "Irish Terence" McCarthy's son Mikey has a rule in life which is, Be nice, but when pushed by a bully, push back.




The Yard used to be an interesting place to hang out. Now it may be just another pablum forum, we shall see. I opened a thread about energy independence. I won't post there again unless and until somebody replies in that thread.


Of course we could always go over to Ann Coulter's website. :D I've only made a post or two there, and that was last winter, but it seemed at the time like a pretty liberal place provided decorum is maintained, which is not a problem for me unless pushed the way rgarber pushed me.


That site also hosts a broad spectrum of political positions, or so it did when I signed up last winter. Also, I was given an especially warm welcome for being a newcomer. As the Joe Dolce song of twenty years ago went, "It-za ni-za place."



Edited by xxmikexx
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>>>How can I identify the thread you started? (It might have been deleted?)


Well, I guess you can't now. They're still there. You used my Flight-sim "handle" over there and some of those might be lurking here and put the two different handles together, which is what I was trying to avoid. So I guess you'll just have to guess.


No big deal, but that's the way I want/like it.


I glanced in the Yard a few times after it was started and never participated because it wasn't "my cup of tea" really. Unless I get responses of any caliber, I won't be going back there.




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By the way, I'm working with Asad Studios to get a preliminary PC Game Controls website going. It's going to have forums plural, I think I'll set one up called "The Runup Area", or "Ready For Pushback" :D, or some such thing.
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Good luck with your Forum(s).


The "Cheers" was just a salutation. But, perhaps a "goodbye" for the Yard, dunno.


Did you see my ? about a site to d/l approach charts? I had one: ...naco.faa.gpvondex.asp?...but I can't d/l from it any more. ??

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P.S. It's goodbye Yard for me too. I received a PM from a different moderator making it clear that I am most unwelcome there ...


Which is fine. I'm a tremendous site traffic builder with a large readership that likes to follow me around. If the mods are unable to see the business value of that, or if they don't care about the business value, it's their loss, not mine.


Of course if somebody actually does post to that thread I left then it might be a different story. But they have a double standard now. One set of rules for the people the moderators like (like posting political, religious and race topics is okay), and another set for me (like This Is A Train Simulator Site And Don't You Dare Come In Here Again Making Trouble With Your Posts About Political, Religious and Race Topics). :D


An aside: Folks, when I posted about race over there it was from the perspective of someone who grew up with parents who were active in the civil rights movement of the late 1940s, when it was REALLY dangerous to be involved with that stuff. I'm not a racist, I was simply talking to people who ARE racists.


But that's all I'm going to say here about anything like that. I will make no further posts here at FlightSim that really belong in the old Yard or the pending Ready For Pushback.




This is why I need "Ready To Push". Without stepping on anybody else's toes it will be my playground and my rules, which will be very few rules other than politeness required.

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Let's now treat this thread as locked, and we'll find other things to talk about. I'll do my daily blog in a few hours, not that I have the slightest idea what I'm going to write about.
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