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Where to Stay After a Long Flight If You're a Flight Attendant



You have been on your feet for the majority of a flight that has lasted several hours. Whether you are new or a pro, you are going to be exhausted after a long flight. Here are some things to consider when you are looking for a place to stay.


Location, Location, Location

After a long flight, most people do not want to either drive or take a bus too far away from the airport. If you can find a room at a hotel close by, take it. This way you can rest easier knowing that you can sleep in a little and still wake up on time to get ready and be on your way to the next flight. There should be at least a few hotels within a decent radius of your average airport, so you have options to choose from.


Make Sure There's a Shuttle

If you are staying somewhere overnight and leaving the next morning, you do not want to pay for a rental car. As far as public transportation, not every place will have it. With that in mind, it is a good idea to find a hotel that has a shuttle you can take to the airport, ideally for little to no cost. This saves you the hassle of trying to find transportation last minute, will let you and your fellow flight attendants all ride at the same time, and have enough space for everyone's luggage.


Perhaps Pet Friendly

If you or one of your fellow flight attendants needs the aid of a service animal, try to get a room in a pet-friendly hotel. Hotels such as the marriott providence will accept pets, but with conditions applied. With a service animal, however, usually those conditions are waived. There should not be an issue with having a service animal in a hotel that is not pet-friendly, but it is better to be safe than sorry.


Spacious Rooms

If you are someone who prefers to save money or space, it would be good to consider having a large room that you can share with other flight attendants. Taking such a measure would also help when you have to get up. Instead of having to track down everyone room by room, you can all get up and get ready together, making for an effective check out.


Multilingual Staff

If you are staying overnight in a foreign country, you might find yourself worrying about whether you will be able to communicate with the hotel staff. Most times you will find that the hotels, especially ones near the airport, will employ staff members who are fluent in more than one language. Odds are that you will find someone who speaks the language you need. If you speak English, you are in luck. Most places will have at least one or two English speakers, usually found at the concierge desk.



You are probably not going to want to go out after such a long trip. Odds are that once you are in your room, you will want to stay in your room, so make sure your hotel has places to eat, or at least room service. Ideally, you'll want room service to be 24 hours, but not everyone offers that. There are also some lobbies that allow you to purchase snacks or provide complimentary ones. If all else fails, you can always look for the vending machines.


Constantly moving around is exhausting work, and you are probably looking forward to the end of every day, when you get to rest. Hopefully these tips will be helpful when you are looking for your next place to stay.


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