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fuel and aircraft info


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I havent had alot of time ..for simming lately...but when i do get some time back in ....id like to make my flights more realistic.....so what i was wondering ....where would i look for ...aircraft specific ...fuel payload information....basically...if an addon aircraft or stock aircraft has that type of info....where abouts would it be located.....thanks for any input
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There's a menu option for Fuel and Payload?


Or did you mean, where could you look up real-life fuel and payload information on aircraft?


Or did you mean, if the flight sim version doesn't correspond to real life, where can you tweak it?

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ok.....some addon planes have lots of history about the plane.....some people take the time to do their homework or just are passionate about flying and or a specific plane.......when you look at the fuel and payload section ...how true to real world is the default fuel and payload will it be.....if a plane has any details as in ....preflight checklist for specific plane...will it be a basic checklist....i know i could search the internet for details all day.....but my main question is if anyone knows where other than ...aircraft folder....any other details may be located...in the past ive seen alot of info on certain planes....but my memory fails me when i try to remember where i seen it
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Based on the planes I've RW flown and looked at in the specs in FSX, they're not bad. And even if they aren't totally 100% accurate. They are still useful in simming because that data is what the sim characteristics of each plane are based on.


As far as preflight checks, maintenance schedules, & similar items, no the sim doesn't really go into that a lot. I really don't want my sim planes to have the 17 to 1 maintenance hours to flight hours or more that aren't uncommon in real aircraft. I also like to customize my weather and other variables for what I want to sim at any given time. Believe me, it's almost never any fun spending days and nights waiting for a weather window for a specific flight! I've done that way too many a time!


Looking for specific aircraft history, paint variations, and examples of use or applications? there are all kinds of references such as Janes, the manufacturer, etc. However being old and lazy I typically find more info per effort from Wikipedia than other sources I know of.

Being an old chopper guy I usually fly low and slow.
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