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Traffic 360 Issue - HELP


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Since installing Traffic 360 using pushback on any plane at a gate at any airport causes a crash (not FSX or Traffic 360 program crash). Boom - the pushback vehicle smashes into the plane, you get the CRASH message and the flight reloads.


What the heck is going on here? Any ideas how to fix this?

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This is Mickey Mouse and from the Traffic 360 people. They advise going into your Settings/Realism and turn off crash detection.




Yep you are correct sir.


That's totally Mickey Mouse and not something I'm willing to do.


Just Flight Just Lost a Customer. I don't give companies a 2nd chance to bend me over.


Thanks for the heads up.

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I have Traffic 360 and had/have some issues with it. Worked with them a couple of times and they gave me credit for the money and i bought something else. There are some glitches in that product but i have lots of planes and lots of AI traffic at, and this is the key word "Most" airports.

Brian W.


I5-8400, EVGA GTX 1070.ti, 16 gigs ram, 500g Samsung SSD, 1.5 T HDD, 1 T HDD, Win 10, 64bit.

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Did not have the same problem you are having and it has never crashed. (knocks on head)


Do you have FSX crash detection in settings turned on?


And it isn't the program that crashes its the plane when the pushback vehicle makes contact with the plane at the gate.

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In case you didn't know, you can switch crash detection on and off during the flight. In the menu bar (Alt), click aircraft -- realism settings.

You could switch it off before pushback and back on again right after, so other crashes are still detected.

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