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    Business Development Manager


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    Wine, Flying, Music

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  1. Speculation, just idle speculation. Probably correct, but it will be for those who follow in a thousand years to prove.
  2. Y'know, I've accessed TV for years with the computer alone. Don't have - and will never need - a TV licence. Watching the snooker Masters on the BBC Channel, right now, on my PC....
  3. DO learn more about the install routines for FSX. You are trying to run before you can walk. Sound folder is a SEPARATE entity...
  4. Rebuild the .cfg file first, simple and takes seconds.
  5. Not me. I only ever fly GA. Gave up on airliners year ago. But I do occasionally fly multi-passenger military transports....
  6. Looks like a problem with calibration. Have you modified the axis?
  7. Yes. Try reading the instructions. Engaging the autopilot can be several different operations.
  8. Various versions of the R-1820 Cyclone WERE available with turbosuperchargers.... Not the ones usual to the DC-3 nor C-47 though.
  9. https://www.flightsim.com/vbfs/content.php?24753-Aeroplane-Heaven-Announces-Avro-Lancaster-For-MSFS-2020
  10. XP12 works just fine, as it does under Win 11.
  11. Awful news - it's not like we can spare a WWII Bell or Boeing!
  12. Tech for tech's sake? Waste of time - and money!
  13. Yes, I remember how backward you yanks are. But as I recall we brits didn't get seatblets mandated until January 1983.
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