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Carenado C550 working - but no terrain radar!


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Hi again all,


So, the Carenado C550 is great, I've got the weather radar working, but the terrain radar just makes the terrain go green on the MFD. This 'green' doesn't change to any other colour to indicate terrain awareness - leading me to believe it isn't functioning correctly. I put the MFD on "arc" mode but still, all I see is just 'green'. Other terrain radars I've used go red when you're close to terrain and that type of thing. So, how do I get the terrain radar working?



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Yes indeed, it would seem unexpected for the 550 to have a terrain radar. However, the Carenado one has an MFD which has a terrain ‘button’ on it. It also has a functioning weather radar, which you mentioned too. I am looking into the terrain function as I’m pretty sure that Carenado advertise that the 550 comes with it, and with the terrain button on the MFD, one would assume that would be where it is located. Does anyone else have the Carenado C550??
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The 'terrain' button doesn't imply that there's a terrain radar. Again, it's just the WX radar. If you push the terrain button it reverts to single color and you can't use it in this mode as WX radar.

Btw. even the 'colored' ones aren't actual radars. The EGPWS uses its database to display the colored terrain.

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