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Cunliffe Owens Conocordia Nav Lights Problem


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Hey pilotposer,


Fixed it! Turn out that in the Lights section of the aircraft.cfg, the nav lights pointed to fx files which I don't have (and I'm assuming you don't as well), which is weird since the original author didn't include any light fx files in the package... :(


With this said, you can solve your problem 3 ways: :)


1- search for the relevant fx files (imo hard and not worth it)


2- If you know your way around the aircraft cfg file and feel comfortable editing it, just assign the 3 nav lights to nav light fx files of your choosing and that you have in your Effects folder


3- Copy the entry below to your aircraft.cfg, which was basically me taking option 2 and assigning the default FS2004 red, green and white nav lights ;)


Open your aircraft.cfg, go to the [Lights] section and replace all of it with the following:




//Types: 1=beacon, 2=strobe, 3=navigation, 4=cockpit, 5=Landing, 6=taxi, 7=Recognition, 8=Wing, 9=Logo, 10=cabin,


//light.0 = 3, 0.7, -27.9, 1.80, fx_navredsa6

//light.1 = 3, 0.7, 27.9, 1.80, fx_navgresa6

//light.2 = 3, -29.0, 0.01, 1.80, fx_navwhisa6

light.0 = 3, 0.7, -27.9, 1.80, fx_navred

light.1 = 3, 0.7, 27.9, 1.80, fx_navgre

light.2 = 3, -29.0, 0.01, 1.80, fx_navwhi

light.3 = 10, -9.2, 0, 2.7, brlgbl.fx

light.4 = 10, -6.2, 0, 2.7, brlgbl.fx

light.5 = 10, -3.1, 0, 2.7, brlgbl.fx

light.6 = 10, 1.1, 0, 1.8, brlgbl.fx

light.7 = 10, 4.16, 0, 2.7, brlgbl.fx

light.8 = 4, 12, 0, 2, fx_SA6_ cpit

light.9 = 8, 12, 0.0, -1, brlgbl.fx

light.10 = 7, -1, -7.8, -1, brlgbl.fx

light.11 = 9, -1, 7.8, -1, brlgbl.fx


If you for some reason ever want to revert the cfg back, I left the original lines there (they are the first 3 lines that start with //). Simply delete those //, and then delete the 2nd row of 'light.0 / light.1 / light.2'.

Or just backup your Aircraft.cfg beforehand if you prefer :cool:


Anyways enjoy! Oh and if you're interested in this airplane, check out the repaints I made of it! The file in the library is concordia_repaints.zip ;)


Leonardo Santos

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