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Business Jets with FMC's supporting both LNAV and VNAV functions


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I am looking for recommendations for a payware business jet with FMC and supporting VNAV and LNAV functions. Something along the lines of PMDG like quality and easy of use. I looked at a few candidates but they all pretty much supported LNAV but not VNAV. I am also looking at the Citation X by Eaglesoft and would like feedback on their product.

Thank you for any advice or recommendations.

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Hi Folks,


While I can appreciate Carenado for what they are - the FMC operations are a bit limited... They might work fine in a static environment like flying from point A to B on a scripted flight - - - but if you intend to use it like a real FMC (enhanced ATC or online ATC) you may be a bit disappointed... I always fly with RC4 for ATC services when on IFR flights - and often get "Direct To" instructions which I am unable to comply with when flying Carenado - their FMC is actually based on the default GPS which is incapable of doing a "Direct To" without erasing your entire flight plan... And that's just the most basic feature their FMC lacks...


As per your requirements - I would think that Eaglesoft Citation X 2.0 is your only choice at the moment although I've never used it... I've seen nothing but good feedback on it...


I've recently started flying the Flysimware Lear 35A - while it lacks an FMC - it is rapidly becoming my favorite aircraft given the attention to systems and performance... It's a seriously underrated package and a hoot to fly realistically... Granted - while they're a notch below Carenado's stunning visuals - they're actually quite good... I'm enjoying the plane immensely...


Eaglesoft has some new planes in the pipe (Citation XLS+, Citation X 3.0, Challanger 605) as well as MilViz (Lear 60) and Flysimware (Falcon 50)... No telling when they will be released but the future looks bright for biz jets... Check out Eaglesoft's FB page - they have some great pix...


Best of luck...






Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk

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Hi Raymond,


Here's a great video showcasing the Eaglesoft Citation X from a guy who does an excellent job on biz jets... He has a bunch on the Carenado products as well... I find them informative and enjoyable...





Just as a bonus - another on my favorite - the Flysimware Lear 35A... :)







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