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  1. Yep, found it. Thanks again. Regards, DDP.
  2. Hi Baron Fritz, Thanks for the suggestion, but it seems the file got "improved away"... Regards, DDP.
  3. Hi, I had the same problem with an aircraft. But it had nothing to do with the landing gear settings. The problem seemed to be balance. I had to edit the wing_pos_apex_lon in aircraft.cfg to where it's supposed to be. After that I needed to edit the empty_weight_CG_position to get the CoG back to it's original position. Regards, DDP.
  4. Hi, No, not that I'm aware of... When one loads a WX into ASE it creates a current_wx_snapshot.txt, that can be copied into the ASv6 folder. But I have both ASE and AS6.5 installed, and it seems ASE automatically updates the current_wx_snapshot.txt in both ASE and ASv6... Regards, DDP.
  5. Hi, Yeah, same here. Also, if I really want "today's" METAR for one or more airports in ASE, I can get it online and copy/paste the relevant data into the ASE WXConfigurator, unless there are gusts which ASE WXConfig ignores... Or I edit a WX file. Those are just GZip files that can be opened with 7-Zip and the file inside can be opened and edited with Notepad. Kinda looks like what's in current_wx_snapshot.txt but without line breaks... Regards, DDP.
  6. Hi, That... does happen on my Win7x64, even on my old WinXPx86, from time to time... Even after pushing the refresh button. So I reload the Wx file and then it updates the data. Never thought much of it, just a "feature"... Regards, DDP.
  7. Hi, Also no problems with Win7x64 here, did you change *ASE_Exec.exe* compatibility, if that's still a thing in W11? BTW, I was looking around some old posts and found this... Oh well... Regards, DDP.
  8. Hi, I also have build 709, and it opens, checked earlier today. I've always used ASE both on and offline, online only to download the historical Wx files. My FS9 flying (with ASE 709) has always been offline and without problems. When the servers shut down ASE wouldn't open because it tried to connect to them and just hung... Editing the options file solved it for me. Regards, DDP.
  9. Hi, FS9 options for ASE are stored in FS9Options.cfg, It's in C:\Users\*Your login*\AppData\Roaming\Hifi\ASE\Options... Or do a search for it. First make a backup, just in case... Open that file with Notepad, find the setting AutomaticDownloads = , which will be set to True in your case, change that to False, and save. Now your ASE should open without trying to connect to a no longer existing server (btw, thanks for that HiFi)... Regards, DDP.
  10. Anything more specific about where exactly? Or is that also not allowed... DDP.
  11. Damn, just seen this... I have several years of daily historical downloads. Unfortunately I have only a few for Nov/Dec 2022 and nothing for 2023. Didn't know one could "convert" NOAA data into ASE. I'd be interested to know how this is done... Regards, DDP.
  12. Hi, Cool! Flasback to the mid 1980s... DDP.
  13. Hi, Instead of editing complicated .txt files isn't a better option AI Flight Planner? https://fsdeveloper.com/forum/resources/ai-flight-planner.279/ Regards, DDP.
  14. Hi, Loading up your airport ICAO in AFX will show all active files. I've had it happen several times that an old version I forgot about was still active as well... In FS9 the aircraft radius (not wingspan) is defined in the .mdl file, not the .air file, IIRC in meters. AFCAD2 and AI-Aircaft Editor (and probably others...) can make those changes to the .mdl file. In ADE options one can choose to use ft. or m. for parking. Also, parking spots have an order index, which can be seen and changed in ADE, or AFX. If you create a new parking spot it's index is added to the end of the line. So that spot will be filled last, but still taking into account the aircraft radius and airline code... Screenshot from ADE1.65 manual.pdf When I redo an airport (with ADE), I always reorder the parking spots in the index table, from small to large. Then depending on the airport, I can reorder same radius spots, gates first, then ramp. E.g. all my B737/A320s will fill the gates first, and only then the ramp spots. Regards, DDP.
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