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  1. Sorry I would like to edit but there is no link to let me edit or delete! :(
  2. To Mods; if this is wrong board, please move this post for me. I would like to request a non-Froggie repaint of the newly made Freeware Virtualcol ATR 42-600 All files listed below can also be downloaded from: Virtualcol Official Site: [a href=https://www.virtualcol.com/v.php]https://www.virtualcol.com/v.php[/a] (This aircraft is currently being tested by myself and FRG008-Tammy K.) The livery I am requesting is [a href=http://www.silverairways.com]Silver Airways[/a] (and Froggie Air if desired) Here are links to good real pictures: [a href=http://www.silverairways.com/about-silver/atr-gallery]http://www.silverairways.com/about-silver/atr-gallery[/a] [a href=https://airwaysmag.com/airlines/silver-airways-launches-atr-600-operations-video/]https://airwaysmag.com/airlines/silver-airways-launches-atr-600-operations-video/[/a] Links to the files: ATR42 for fs2004 - The requested model to paint is here - ATR 42-600 The other models you are free to do with as you wish but I need the 600! [a href=https://drive.google.com/file/d/1qzaozhP-HQk7g7WA-XjEZkGm0VAtrTzn/view?usp=sharing]https://drive.google.com/file/d/1qzaozhP-HQk7g7WA-XjEZkGm0VAtrTzn/view?usp=sharing[/a] ATR42 for FSX [a href=https://drive.google.com/file/d/1I2_r39TOQPIR22ZS9SQxE6wnffbqwljz/view?usp=sharing]https://drive.google.com/file/d/1I2_r39TOQPIR22ZS9SQxE6wnffbqwljz/view?usp=sharing[/a] Paint kit 42 series fs2004 [a href=https://drive.google.com/open?id=1B3QC1AGP7czLDMywcsADP70wxVtu6amP]https://drive.google.com/open?id=1B3QC1AGP7czLDMywcsADP70wxVtu6amP[/a] Paint kit 72 series Cargo model FSX [a href=https://drive.google.com/open?id=1NTzKSgtdf7rwlko1iUOf7FgZVZjYN4mL]https://drive.google.com/open?id=1NTzKSgtdf7rwlko1iUOf7FgZVZjYN4mL[/a] Paint kit 72 series Pax model FSX [a href=https://drive.google.com/open?id=1iEaeY-8BwvTgHZAp4MDjD4c-fSbYJZaH]https://drive.google.com/open?id=1iEaeY-8BwvTgHZAp4MDjD4c-fSbYJZaH[/a] If interested please reply here and if a Froggie paint post [a href=http://froggiespond.boards.net/thread/398/repaint-notifications]HERE[/a] This is a photo of what I want the 42-600 to look like please Thanks in advance [a href=https://imgur.com/h2p54Tt]style=max-width:100%;" src="http://i.imgur.com/h2p54Ttm.jpg[/a]
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