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  1. Thanks all for your input and interesting comments...with the exception of all the tin foil hat stuff.
  2. I am running FSX acceleration with windows 10 where support is ending. Has anyone experienced any difficulties with upgrading to windows 11?? Thanks Don T
  3. Is there a way to add airports to FSX? I have the Gold edition, but I think I'm stuck in early years especially for local GA airports which are in different locations??? Thanks, Don Tumminia Priddy/Goldthwaite, TX
  4. Since installing Spad.next for the Multi panal and Radio panel my which work great; established logitech profiles for various aircraft don't work as the saved profile. Before Spad.next, for instance, the T5 button on my X52 joy stick programed to the keyboard Shift+2 key would bring up the GPS. After Spad.next nothing happens. I have not installed any profiles in Spad.next. And have reentered the Shift+2 key for all the associated aircraft. What next? Tried the web -- pretty confusing for an old guy. Thanks Don Tumminia
  5. Three monitor set up with a Lenovo, Intel i7 3770, 3.4gh - a Nvidia 1050 ti card, two LG 59G monitors, one on HDMI and other on the D-Sub; one Samsung 2430H on Display port - all set at 1920 x 1080 in display settings as well as in FSX settings. All was working well until a week ago until I recalibrated the sim. Now a couple of things happen. 1. When I start the computer the display settings only recognizes the Samsung (primary monitor) and one LG. It will recognize the second LG when it is turned on. Resetting the display settings is necessary to reorganize the monitors. 2. Most disturbing is when I start up FSX all seams well, I can move the start screen to all monitors. When I load and start a flight the LG on HDMI changes resolution when I move a new view from primary monitor to it. I've tried switching connectors, repairing the sim, messing with different settings, all to no avail one monitor changes resolution. The sim works with two monitors just fine, except for these situations. My only choice is to delete and reinstall FSX to see if that solves the situation. Hesitant to do that in-lew of other solutions. Help will be appreciated, Thanks. Don T
  6. I had forgotten about original thread, thanks. That was awhile back - time flys. Still working on suggestions, but closer.
  7. I'm running three 24" monitors - 1080 each, with a GTX 1050-Ti that can support three monitors in surround configuration. I would like to use two monitors for cockpit view and the third for instrument panel view. I can select two monitors in surround, but the third has no source or picture. Is it possible to do what I want? how. Thanks , DT
  8. I've been able to run all three monitors on my GTX1050 Ti just fine. I am getting another 24" Lg to replace the old ViewSonic VA702b. then all will be 1080 res. Looking to replace GTX1050 Ti with either a 3080 or 2080 if I can find one without having to hock the house. thanks again. DT
  9. I have a GTX1050 Ti, Samsung 24" and LG 24" monitor and older ViewSonic 13x16" VGA. Here is what I want to do...Run the Samsung and LG in surround for general cockpit view and run the ViewSonic for just instruments. DT, Texas
  10. Thanks, everyone. Problem solved. FSX graphic setting was too low. Don
  11. I can't figure out how to solve problem with aircraft graphics in FSX Acceleration. Sometimes an aircraft breaks into it's parts, like a parts diagram is best I can describe. I have screen shots attached. I'm running an Intel 64 bit i7-3770; 3.4 GHz; 8GB ram and 1.1 TB memory. Graphic card is GTX 1050Ti. Otherwise all else is OK. What should I do? Thanks, Don Tumminia
  12. Thanks. Very helpful. more questions. I have two add-on planes How will that be handled. Will there be carrier landing features for us old Navy guys.
  13. Just read this on regular news.. Good news. As an FSX Deluxe user will the new sim be able to do all the similarities I am used to...creating my own flights, Deluxe has a ton of airports around the world... can fly almost any where.....??? Don T.
  14. I'm sure this has been asked before, but can I use a touch screen monitor to operate features and functions for aircraft instead of mouse click. IE: entering data/numbers in a FMS or MFD? DTumminia
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