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    I live on venus where we cook eggs on our heads.

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  1. Hi Piergiorgio, Sure, you can contact me at galaxygamingelite@gmail.com if you're still interested.
  2. Yeah, some crazy times right now. And yes, it's the default w/repaint, oh and it also has the Advanced VC addon by Alejandro Rojas Lucena. That might contribute to the VC rain lag, but I still get low FPS with any other aircraft, default or addon.
  3. Hi, back again from the cycle of "play FSX -> get tired of low frames -> get tired of tweaking FSX for FPS -> give up on FSX (for a while)". I'm sure some can relate ;) Anyways... I can get OK framerates (20-30, usually not consistent) with my system specs, but only without rain and with everything looking just a bit too old-gamey. I'd like to be able to increase settings a little, fly in weather other than perfect, use some (freeware) detailed aircraft, maybe some really light shaders... you get the idea. I know that FSX, being a simulator, is way more CPU-bound, but I've heard of people with GPUs, and CPUs worse than mine, get higher frames than me. SO, would a sub-$50 GPU be an improvement from no GPU at all? Also, is rain based on CPU or GPU? Thanks! Specs and settings below: -------- Windows 10 Pro Intel i5-2400 @ 3.10GHz 8GB RAM 1920x1200 Monitor -------- GRAPHICS 1024x768x32 Bilinear Global Texture: Very High Preview, Lens FLare, Light bloom, and Avd. Anim. are all off AIRCRAFT "Ultra High" preset SCENERY "Terrain and water" Medium 42 38m 1m Mid 2x Checked "Scenery Objects" Normal Normal Unchecked Medium WEATHER "Medium Low" preset Traffic "Very Low" preset Here's an idea of what that looks like: 20 FPS in the rain, even lower in the cockpit.
  4. I was about to ask the same thing. Basically I need it to see each toggle (off to on, on to off etc.) as the same button press.
  5. (moved from FSX section) Hi, I'm trying to make reverse thrust usable on a throttle by assigning a keypress (F2) to an area under a certain percentage, below what I would set to idle. But I can't find such software to do so, and although the full version of FSUIPC can probably do it, I don't need all of the extras it comes with. A more in-depth (read, 'confusing') explanation of the setup below. It uses a saitek throttle quadrant, but the version that doesn't have its own controller board (it would go through a saitek yoke), so I wired its (the throttle's) pots to the 'board of an old joystick. This means that calibration through windows is like a joystick - it has me move an axis over its entire range, then leave it at center, then do the next axis. I noticed that if I leave the sticks at the detent when it asks me to "center" the axis, then the 50% mark is then set at the detent - upper 50% requires more movement, while lower is smaller and much more sensitive. So I then could set the upper 50% to "normal throttle" and the lower band to a button for decreasing throttle below idle. But, I can't find a program that has this banded mode. I think the x52 software has something like this. Also, I'm using two separate axes for throttle, if that matters. P.S. - Would JoyToKey work? I hear of people using it for this purpose but no explanation of how...
  6. I know that that's the button, but my problem is that I can't assign F2 specifically to the throttle reverser range (or any other button). I'm trying to set up a sort of "banded mode" where I can assign the idle position at the detent and a button press for the range below that. I might as well include a better description of the throttle if that helps anyone. It uses a saitek throttle quadrant, but the version that doesn't have its own controller board (it would go through a saitek yoke), so I wired its (throttle's) pots to the 'board of an old joystick. This means that calibration through windows is like a joystick - it has me move an axis over its entire range, then leave it at center, then do the next axis. I noticed that if I leave the sticks at the detent when it asks me to "center" the axis, then the 50% mark is then set at the detent - upper 50% requires more movement, while lower is smaller and much more sensitive. So I then could set the upper 50% to "normal throttle" and the lower band to a button. But, I can't find a program that has this banded mode. I think the x52 software has something like this. Also, I'm using two separate axes for throttle, if that matters. Did any of that make sense? :confused:
  7. Hi, I have a throttle quadrant that I sort of hacked up myself (see here). Is there a way to set up a reverse thrust range by assigning it a keypress below a certain range (it has a detent below "idle", but after calibration as a joystick, It seems that I could only have idle set to below the detent)? I would use FSUIPC, but free doesn't include the right settings and I don't need all the extras of full.
  8. Thanks, never thought about the assignments thing. I forgot to mention I'm not building a whole cockpit or replicating anything specific; just the GPS and possibly a few simple buttons (but I can imagine it being somewhat similar to the default for the assignments reason). So, what kind of monitor do you mean? As in plugged directly into your PC? I've never heard of a USB monitor, much less a touchscreen one. Just looked them up, seems expensive (over $100). I was thinking of using a raspberry pi because it seems cheaper; pi for under $20 (pi zero, for example, for $5), touchscreen (most under 8") for the same price. I think there is free software for "casting" the GPS video, or the GPS live info (i'm terrible with the nomenclature :D) to GPS emulator software on the pi.
  9. Hi all, How hard would it be to make a GPS (for FSX) out of a Raspberry Pi? Maybe even some buttons via a Leo Bodnar board? There are small touchscreens made for attaching directly to the various Pi models (I think it uses GPIO), possibly eliminating the need for physical buttons? My main worry would probably be software - I have very little knowledge in terms of how to interface with FSX. I could probably 3d print the case/frame. any ideas are appreciated! p.s. this page of a thread lightly touches on my idea, but like I said earlier, I'm barely understanding the talk about the coding/interfacing part: https://forums.simviation.com/phpBB3/viewtopic.php?f=9&t=27826&p=1293170
  10. Ah, the days of 60+ fps! Will definitely try this out sometime, thanks! -Cobra
  11. “Remember…the ADMIN will be with you, always.” -Han Solo of Windows 10
  12. Yeah, one of my favorite things of having fs02 (which I rarely use anymore) was being able to max out graphics and keep the frames. And i never really noticed the dawn/dusk difference (alliteration not intended :D) between FS02 and FSX because like most people, I don't do much night flying. Sometimes I will set it right before dawn then take off to enjoy night scenery, then arrive at an easy day landing later. -Cobra
  13. Yeah, before recently buying FSX Gold and a new pc, I realized that no matter how many add-ons, the scenery and planes just will not be realistic, so I just come up with my own challenges to test myself. thanks for the reply. -Cobra
  14. Jeez, never checked this post in a while... I now have FSX Gold which someone sold for $3 (lol) running decently on a Windows 10 pro. bigphil38: I used to have a Dell XP, but mentioned earlier, I got a new W10. Ha, want some REALLY old stuff? They got everything back to the original and first sim here! https://fshistory.simflight.com/fsvault/downloads.htm Cheers, -Cobra
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