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About Ptrcam

  • Birthday April 29

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  • Location
    Weston super Mare, near the cave of Caer Bannog
  • Occupation
    Retired (TFFT)


  • Interests
    Simming, Fell Walking, History


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  1. Got the view problem sorted and set the graphics as per your screenshot. I tested at Bristol (fairly simple airport) and then at heathrow in both cases the FPS flickered around 59/60, satisfied with that at the moment. As I get more comfortable with XP I'll start moving sliders right until I find the acceptable limit. Thanks for your help. Peter
  2. Thanks for your reply. Scripts are something new to me so I'll have a look at FlyWithLua. Regarding your comments about graphics I used Nvidia Inspector to control settings in FSX, is this recommended for XP12?
  3. Hi, I'm just getting started with XP12 And I'm stuck on setting an external view. My experience is with FSX, in the spot view exterior I can use a hat-switch to rotate the view around the aircraft but I can't figure out how to replicate this in XP12. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks, Peter
  4. Me too. I found this site shortly after getting my first PC and FS98. Were it not for this site and the help I received I probably would not have continued with simming.
  5. Thanks for your reply. Being old school I assumed that it would be like FSX, discs and a few small updates. More research upfront next time.
  6. Hi, I bought MSFS Premium Deluxe on discs, got to the activation stage and it started to download updates (157GB). I noticed that the digital download of the same product is also 157gb. Is the download purely updates or the entire sim? Peter
  7. Hi, I want to get a new set of hardware, something with a plethora of buttons. I've looked at the Turtle Beach Velocity 1 and Thrustmaster T16000M, both had the usual mixed reviews. I'd be grateful to hear from any members who have experience of either of these. Thanks, Peter ps, computer specs now different, tried to update but something must have gone wrong.
  8. The 'super Mare' part of the name does refer to the sea, it was named thus to distinguish it from other Westons in the Diocese of Bath and Wells. I looked at the Deadwood link and unsurprisingly many of the persons named are already familiar because of our exposure to the culture and folklore of the American west. It's all to easy to forget that there is a history within the broadbrush history that the media shows us. I found the notes on the climate quite interesting, it sounds like a bit of a haven compared to the surrounding country. The patch of the Deadwood police looks unusual since it's formed from playing cards. Thanks for the info. Peter
  9. Dear Mr Zippy, Thanks for researching my question, my curiosity is satisfied. I'm going to keep on exploring this area, today I'll try the alliterative Deadwood Dam ID86 to the charmingly named Treasure Gulch 22ID. Thanks again, Peter
  10. After a long lay off from FSX I'm getting back into flying. I decide to overfly some of the higher areas of the USA, I've been over Yellowstone, Yosemite and Pikes Peak. Wyoming seemed to have high ground to look over so I started a flight from the intriguingly named Gt. Green River Inter Galactic 48U and landed at Kastler Compressor Station UT11 in Utah. I found out how Greater Green River came to be inter galactic but I can't find any information on Kastler i.e. what was compressed there and why? I'd be grateful for any info any body might have. Thanks Peter
  11. Dear Inuss, I was being ironic.
  12. Today I was going to recreate Earnest K. Ganns attempt to demolish the Taj Mahal, Unfortunately the airstrip he flew from is not represented. When I went into 'change location' and entered Agra I had to look twice to make sure that I wasn't seeing what I thought I was seeing.
  13. This reminded me that the fate of the sole surviving Beverly (XB259) is still very much in doubt
  14. Mooring at Weston could be tricky. When the tide goes out it goes out of sight!
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